Monday, April 4, 2011


I decided that it was time to set up a blog to journal my family's experiences dealing with ADHD. I am not an experienced writer nor a medical expert. I am only a protective Mother who loves her son with all of her heart. I make mistakes just like everyone but am trying to give my son the best life he can have. Life with ADHD in your family has it's own unique struggles. I hope to find others in the same situation. My son who is 7 years old was diagnosed with ADHD when he was 5. We always suspected something was up because he was always very hyper/active, didn't sleep well, had many ear infections which we believe set him on a path to be speech delayed and led to aggressive behaviors. As he aged he began to show more signs. He wasn't very socially comfortable. He hit, pushed, took toys away from others and really valued his personal space. He also wasn't able to convey what he was trying to say through words so he would try to show by actions. His vocabulary was very limited. He was very impulsive. As his Mother I tried to shelter him and avoid play groups so that we wouldn't have to face any difficult situations, like a fight with another child, but come to find out that wasn't helping him. He had a wonderful Preschool teacher that put us in the right path to get him tested for ADHD. What is sad is that there are still people out there who do not believe the disorder exists. Just spend a day with my family and you will change your mind. I invite others to share their stories and struggles. We can learn so much from each other.

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